Besseling NA – Chris Hedges

Building the sweet spot of apple storage is part science, part art (The Grower, August 2019)

PSA, the best nitrogen source for DCA storage

Pressure Swing Adsorption, PSA, is a technique for producing pure nitrogen from environmental air. The system is made up of two beds/columns of CMS (Carbon Molecular Sieve) an air compressor, compressed air tank and appropriate necessary filtration.

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DCA Fruit Observer and « Elstar » apples – KOB Bavendorf

‘Elstar’ apples monitored by Fruit observer had higher quality as compared to fruit in CA, due to lower decay incidence, higher healthy fruit amount and flesh firmness. This is a result of lower ethylene production and respiration rate of fruit in DCA – Fruit observer.

The influence of barometric pressure on a CA room

Atmospheric pressure is simply the weight of the atmosphere above the Earth. It is also called barometric pressure, because an instrument called a barometer is used to measure it.

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100% Gas tight

Are you interested in 100% gas tight solutions for cables and tubes which have to be led through walls/ceilings? Visit for more information!

11 months CA storage of pears

Conference pears, harvested September 2017, are of perfect quality, color and firmness. Perfect thanks to the expertise of our valued customer Koelhuis WFO.

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