Koelhuis WFO

In 1983 the first part of a large CA/ULO facility was build in Zwaagdijk-Oost, The Netherlands. The contractor was vegetable and fruit auction WFO (West Friesland Oost) and CO2 adsorbers from their former cold stores were re-installed and replaced in 1987 with new Besseling ones. In 1990 the second part of the facility was build reaching a total of 80 CA/ULO cold stores with a storage capacity of 16.000 tons of fruits and vegetables. The Greenery took over operation in 1996 and in 2005 Koelhuis WFO became owner of this large storage facility.

Nowadays apples and pears are stored all year round at CA/ULO conditions next to cauliflower, cabbage, flowers and flower bulbs. Koelhuis WFO also offers disinfestation by CATT treatment. The facility is known as one the best cold stores in The Netherlands and the owners are doing their utmost in order to stay up-to-date. In 2015 Besseling installed 5 new CO2 adsorbers and this year Besseling will install another 4 CO2 adsorbers.

“Our Controlled Atmosphere business was founded in 1983 and, thanks to customers like the WFO, has been growing since,” said Ton Besseling, owner of Besseling Group: “We are pleased to supply the latest version of CO2 adsorbers in order to keep the Koelhuis WFO up-to-date.”

“In Besseling Group we have a reliable partner,” said Aad Kraakman, general manager of Koelhuis WFO: “Besseling Group is always available for support.”

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